Kamis, 15 November 2012

Batik Solo : The Spirit Of Java

The Spirit Of Java

Solo Batik

Solo is a city in Central Java who still very attached to Javanese culture. With the slogan : “The Spirit of Java, .Solo determined to continue to maintain and preserve Javanese culture.

 Solo City is indeed one of the famous batik fabric shopping tour in Indonesia. Here there are lots of centers of batik cloth, including the famous villages and regions “Kampung Batik Laweyan” and “Kampung Batik Kauman”,  is one of the products of the city and has become a solo city icons. Solo is known throughout Indonesia and became a mainstay product export.

Batik Solo is famous for its style and traditional batik patterns in the process and in the batik stamp he wrote. The materials used for staining still remains a lot of use of domestic materials such as Java Soga had known since the first. The pattern remained among others, famous for "Sidomukti" and "Sidoluruh".

Kampung Batik Laweyan

Laweyen is one of the central Batik in Solo. Surely this village there is a lot of history left in this Village and became Batik Solo icons

Batik is a traditional art works that many people occupied Laweyan. Since the 19th century the village was known as the village of batik. That is why the village was once known as the hometown Laweyan skipper batik reach success in the era of the 70s. According to Alpha is also the manager Batik Crown,

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